Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reoccurring Problem

I am seeing a lot of paint skins clogging up machines.  So far, 3 machines this month alone.  I have included a couple of pictures, so that you can see the size and extent of the skins.  There is a regular sized ball point pen along side of the skins for size reference.

You must strain every gallon of paint.  You must really clean the machine after each use.  Do not let paint or water set in the machine overnight.  The worst offenders are the “low boy” or “stand” machines.  These have a flexible hose siphon set.  The extra length makes them harder to clean out.  Every joint and fitting is a place for paint to collect.  When it collects, it hardens into a skin.  Then the next time paint, which is coarse, is run through the pipe/hose, it starts to peel this skin.  Small pieces may go through and get caught in one of the filters, but the large skins clog up the valves.  The pictures included are from 2 different machines.  The first wad was clear up into the fluid section.  The second was trapped in the piston valve.

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Online Reviews

I just found out that you can buy favorable 5 star reviews for your YELP listing. I just got off the phone with a solicitor who will post 50 individual 4 or 5 star ratings for $100.00! I was informed that this company is based in India. So. Don't put too much faith in online reviews. I don’t know how you can distinguish the real from the “paid for” reviews as these guys sell their service and that depends on the reviews looking real.