As is usual for November, the rains have started this weekend. Thankfully, construction has started to rise off of the floor. After 2 years of free-fall, this year has been sporadic, but fairly level. Most of my customers have reported an increase in business over the last few years. It has been a time of survival. Most of our competition has closed their doors and/or moved away.
Secondary incomes have saved many of us. Either a spouse's income or a secondary income of our own. eXfuze has provided me with such an opportunity. It has improved my health and taken me out of the “gimpy” lifestyle as well. Remember though; keep a secondary income, even after your business recovers. Construction and all of the businesses that are related to it will always have high and low cycles. They have since I started in 1970 and will forever. The peaks and valleys are of different highs and lows, but they are still there. eXfuze even has the potential of exceeding and becoming the larger income within 2 or 3 years. When the secondary becomes larger than the primary, that’s a cushion!!