It looks like construction has stopped it’s freefall and is now leveling out. Maybe even starting back up, although slowly. We are starting to see quite a few parts being back-ordered. It seems that the manufacturers let their stock get quite low. When they go to reorder, THEIR suppliers have let THEIR stock get quite low and can’t fill the order! So the supplier can’t get the part to the OEM, who can’t get the part to us……
Some of the suppliers have closed their doors. So now new suppliers have to be found. Some of the back-order times are quite long.
So much for the bad news. The good news is that the painting industry is starting to reawaken. There is so much deferred maintenance from the past 3 years that when the economy comes completely awake, the business will thrive again.
The contractors that are doing OK, and will always do well, are those that never forgot the fundamentals of business. ALWAYS return phone calls asap. ALWAYS bid on all available jobs. If you are too busy or don’t really want the job, bid it high; but ALWAYS bid everything.